
To help build know-how for community development, economic development, and leadership development

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Strategic Planning

To help understand and optimize your people equation for addressing barriers and strengthening your quality of place


To help identify and understand key community needs and opportunities to address them

helping partners strengthen capacity in serving communities...


To help find common ground and build consensus among stakeholders for moving forward together

Many of the challenges facing our communities, sometimes large scale and multi-generational, may not be all that unique from community-to-community…  What can be unique, however, is whether and how leaders within a community connect with each other in order to address these challenges constructively and in a community-life-improving manner. 

Why?  Because while all places have geographic boundaries that delineate them, some lack the “sense of community” that can truly define them. 

A sense of community is less about the place than it is about the people.  It is the level of connectedness people feel among each other as a result of shared values, interests, and goals. Whether we’re talking about an organization or community, helping people truly connect with each other is essential for such groupings to reach their potential.  This connectedness is what inspires people to work together for a better future.